Inclusivity & Accessibility

Co-hosting a multilingual event where presenters spoke in many different languages, without any plan about which should be spoken. There was something liberating about the departure from the English ‘norm’, and while all languages spoken were European (which meant that there was always a sizeable number who understood the discussion any particular point), the changes between languages highlighted the contextual nature of knowledge, and surfaced cultural difference in discourse, theory and practical approaches in the field.

— DARIAH VX Participant

Representation at DH Conferences (2000-2015)
Preprint - This chapter explores fifteen years of DH conferences, presenting a quantified look at the values implicitly embedded in the event.
A Family-Friendly Policy?
A Family-Friendly Policy That’s Friendliest to Male Professors by Justin Wolfers, Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the University of Michigan
Publication Submissions During Coronavirus
Online article by Caroline Kitchener questioning academic publishing submission trends in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
Be More Than Binary
Transcript of a speech given on July 2nd, at the 2015 Digital Humanities conference by Deb Verhoeven addressing the lack of women speakers.
Liberating Structures
A Trip Around the World
A trip around the world: Accommodating geographical, linguistic and cultural diversity in academic research teams Lynne Siemens, Elisabeth Burr