Semi-Formal Knowledge Exchange

My first scholarly meeting in the DH community was the Hannover Herrenhausen conference 2013 where I met Julia Flanders, Lev Manovich and other pioneers, but also critical main voices from my own field of research like Horst Bredekamp – and I started collaboration with dear colleagues. What did I take home? Mostly inspiration – not pure knowledge (rather curiosity and motivation to gain that knowledge)… It changed my life. Sorry to say: this is not replaceable in virtual meetings.

—DARIAH VX Participant

The BEST ‘first’ one I was at was a shared meeting / roundtable where people came with ideas and thoughts to share – there was a sense of working together for a shared common goal. Not a stand up – dump content – sit down approach(!)

—DARIAH VX Participant

Collaboration & Canceled Conferences
Matt Clancy asks whether conferences facilitate academic collaboration.
The Learning Conference
The aim of this paper is to identify the principles and characteristics of a learning conference which uses action learning and action research (ALAR) processes.
Investigating Liveness
Investigating Liveness: An Experiment with Applied Drama
The Online First Model
The Online-First Model: On Hosting an Awesome Online Academic Conference guest post by Catharine St. Croix
A Trip Around the World
A trip around the world: Accommodating geographical, linguistic and cultural diversity in academic research teams Lynne Siemens, Elisabeth Burr
First Aid for Listeners
First Aid for Listeners: Why Humanities Conferences Need to Change their Format Bonnie Zare
Reexamining the Role of Conference Papers...
Reexamining the role of conference papers in scholarly communication M. Carl Drott