jQuery.noConflict(); (function ($) { 'use strict'; var InitWaypointAnimations = (function () { function onScrollInitAnimation(items, container, options) { const containerOffset = (container) ? container.attr("sa-data-animation-offset") || options.offset : null; items.each(function () { const element = $(this), animationClass = element.attr("sa-data-animation"), animationDelay = element.attr("sa-data-animation-delay") || options.delay, animationDuration = element.attr("sa-data-animation-duration") || options.delay, animationOffset = element.attr("sa-data-animation-offset") || options.offset; element.css({ "-webkit-animation-delay": animationDelay, "-moz-animation-delay": animationDelay, "animation-delay": animationDelay, "animation-duration": animationDuration }); const trigger = (container) ? container : element; trigger.waypoint(function () { element .addClass("animated") .addClass(animationClass); }, { triggerOnce: true, offset: containerOffset || animationOffset }); }); } function InitWaypointAnimations(defaults) { if (!defaults) { defaults = {}; } const options = { offset: defaults.offset || "90%", delay: defaults.delay || "0ms", animateClass: defaults.animateClass || "sa-data-animation", animateGroupClass: defaults.animateGroupClass || "sa-data-animation-group" } const animateGroupClassSelector = classToSelector(options.animateGroupClass); const animateClassSelector = classToSelector(options.animateClass); // Attach waypoint animations to grouped animate elements $(animateGroupClassSelector).each((index, group) => { const container = $(group); const items = $(group).find(animateClassSelector); onScrollInitAnimation(items, container, options); }); // Attach waypoint animations to ungrouped animate elements $(animateClassSelector) .filter((index, element) => { return $(element).parents(animateGroupClassSelector).length === 0; }) .each((index, element) => { onScrollInitAnimation($(element), null, options); }); } function classToSelector(className) { return "." + className; } return InitWaypointAnimations; }()); $(document).ready(function () { InitWaypointAnimations(); }); $("[sa-data-animation]").each(function (index, value) { if ($(this).attr('sa-data-animation') !== '') { $(this).addClass('sa-data-animation'); // var osAnimationDelay = $(this).attr('sa-data-animation-delay'); // var osAnimationduration = $(this).attr('sa-data-animation-duration'); // $(this).css({ // 'animation-delay': osAnimationDelay + 'ms', // 'animation-duration': osAnimationduration + 'ms' // }); } }); // $(".sa-data-animation").each(function () { // var _this = $(this); // var animation = _this.attr('sa-data-animation'); // var offset = _this.attr('sa-data-animation-offset'); // _this.waypoint({ // handler: function () { // _this.addClass('animated').addClass(animation); // }, // triggerOnce: true, // offset: offset}); // }); function OxiAddonsEqualHeightWidth(data) { var cw = $(data).outerWidth(); var ch = $(data).outerHeight(); if (cw > ch) { $(data).css({"height": cw + "px"}); $(data).css({"width": cw + "px"}); } else { $(data).css({"height": ch + "px"}); $(data).css({"width": ch + "px"}); 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} OxiPlate.prototype.config = function (options) { this.options = $.extend({ inverse: false, perspective: 500, maxRotation: 10, animationDuration: 200 }, this.options, options); }; OxiPlate.prototype.destroy = function () { this.$element.css('transform', this.originalTransform); this.$container.off('.' + namespace); }; OxiPlate.prototype.update = function (offsetX, offsetY, duration) { var rotateX; var rotateY; if (offsetX || offsetX === 0) { var height = this.$container.outerHeight(); var py = (offsetY - height / 2) / (height / 2); rotateX = this.round(this.options.maxRotation * -py); } else { rotateY = 0; } if (offsetY || offsetY === 0) { var width = this.$container.outerWidth(); var px = (offsetX - width / 2) / (width / 2); rotateY = this.round(this.options.maxRotation * px); } else { rotateX = 0; } if (this.options.inverse) { rotateX *= -1; rotateY *= -1; } if (duration) { this.animate(rotateX, rotateY, duration); } else if (this.animation && this.animation.remaining) { this.animation.targetX = rotateX; this.animation.targetY = rotateY; } else { this.transform(rotateX, rotateY); } }; OxiPlate.prototype.reset = function (duration) { this.update(null, null, duration); }; OxiPlate.prototype.transform = function (rotateX, rotateY) { this.currentX = rotateX; this.currentY = rotateY; this.$element.css('transform', (this.originalTransform && this.originalTransform !== 'none' ? this.originalTransform + ' ' : '') + 'perspective(' + this.options.perspective + 'px) ' + 'rotateX(' + rotateX + 'deg) rotateY(' + rotateY + 'deg)' ); }; OxiPlate.prototype.animate = function (rotateX, rotateY, duration) { if (duration) { this.animation = this.animation || {}; var remaining = this.animation.remaining; this.animation.time = performance.now(); this.animation.remaining = duration || null; this.animation.targetX = rotateX; this.animation.targetY = rotateY; if (!remaining) { requestAnimationFrame(this.onAnimationFrame.bind(this)); } } else { this.transform(rotateX, rotateY); } }; OxiPlate.prototype.round = function (number) { return Math.round(number * 1000) / 1000; }; OxiPlate.prototype.offsetCoords = function (event) { var offset = this.$container.offset(); return { x: event.pageX - offset.left, y: event.pageY - offset.top }; }; OxiPlate.prototype.onAnimationFrame = function (timestamp) { this.animation = this.animation || {}; var delta = timestamp - (this.animation.time || 0); this.animation.time = timestamp; var duration = this.animation.remaining || 0; var percent = Math.min(delta / duration, 1); var currentX = this.currentX || 0; var currentY = this.currentY || 0; var targetX = this.animation.targetX || 0; var targetY = this.animation.targetY || 0; var rotateX = this.round(currentX + (targetX - currentX) * percent); var rotateY = this.round(currentY + (targetY - currentY) * percent); this.transform(rotateX, rotateY); var remaining = duration - delta; this.animation.remaining = remaining > 0 ? remaining : null; if (remaining > 0) { requestAnimationFrame(this.onAnimationFrame.bind(this)); } }; OxiPlate.prototype.onMouseEnter = function (event) { var offset = this.offsetCoords(event); this.update(offset.x, offset.y, this.options.animationDuration); }; OxiPlate.prototype.onMouseLeave = function (event) { this.reset(this.options.animationDuration); }; OxiPlate.prototype.onMouseMove = function (event) { var offset = this.offsetCoords(event); this.update(offset.x, offset.y); }; $.fn.Oxiplate = function (options) { return this.each(function () { var $element = $(this); var Oxiplate = $element.data(namespace); if (options === 'remove') { Oxiplate.destroy(); $element.data(namespace, null); } else { if (!Oxiplate) { Oxiplate = new OxiPlate($element, options); $element.data(namespace, Oxiplate); Oxiplate.reset(); } else { Oxiplate.config(options); } } }); }; })(jQuery);